Chennai Teacher Training School - Aims and Goals



  1. The church in India must one day be self-supporting. Preachers and teachers must look forward to a time when foreign money will not be sent to India for the work here.
  2. Indians should be trained in a Bible program without having to go outside their own country or learn another language and culture.
  3. Our aim is to teach our students that the Bible is verbally and fully inspired, and to respect the authority and all-sufficiency of the Scriptures.
  4. Our goal is to train our students to teach and defend the truth boldly and without compromise, or fear of men.
  5. CTTS teachers and students are expected to live in such a way that their lives and doctrine show that Christ lives in them.
  6. Our aim is to help provide every village with well-trained ministers and teachers who will encourage congregations to be self-supporting and self-propagating.
  7. In spite of pressures to the contrary, every student and teacher should understand and obey Matthew 28:18-20 and Ephesians 6:11-17.
  8. We believe Christians should follow a biblical pattern for worship and doctrine and refrain from following liberal congregations or those of the radical right wing.
  9. Our aim is to teach that the gospel is never outdated by current cultural trends, and that we should never follow the doctrines of men.
  10. Our aim is to teach our students that graduation is only the beginning of their real study, and that a certificate does not carry any special authority.

Lady Students