has a sin problem. Our sins separate us from God. Isaiah
59:2, "But your iniquities
have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face
from you, so that he will not hear". It is our sins that
have caused the separation. In Romans 3:23,
we are told, "For all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God". There is not an accountable
person living or who has ever lived (except our Lord), who can say that
he has never sinned. We are all in need of salvation. I
John 1:8 says, "If we say we
have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us".
The easiest person to deceive is ourselves. When we rationalize away
what God says, this is what we are doing. God says that man has a sin
problem, but man says that he does not. Who is right and what are we
doing to God when we say that we have no sin? Continuing our reading
in I John 1:10, "If
we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us." God is always right when he tells us that we
have all sinned.
In Romans 6:23 we read, "For
the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus
Christ our Lord". Death is a separation. When we die physically,
our body is placed into the grave, but our spirit is separated from
our dead body and goes back to God, who gave it. We are told in Ecclesiastes
12:7, "Then the dust will return
to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it".
In physical death, there is a separation between our body and our soul.
Romans 6:23, we saw that, "For
the wages of sin is death". This is a spiritual death, which
is a separation from God in eternity for those who are lost. Since God
is in heaven, and those who experience this spiritual death are separated
from God, they cannot go to heaven. This leaves only one place for them
to go, hell. We see hell spoken of as the second death in Revelation
21:8, "the lake which burns
with fire and brimstone: which is the second death".
Lesson 4 Our Sin Problem
(Isaiah 59:2) What separates us from God? A great space. Our goodness. Our sins and iniquities.
2) If we stay in our sins, God may not listen to our prayers.
3) (1 John 1:8) If we say we have no sin We are deceiving ourselves. We are correct. We don't really know for sure.
4) If we say we have never sinned we are telling the truth.
5) (Romans 3:23) How many accountable people have sinned? Few. Many. All.
6) God knows when we sin.
7) (Ecclesiastes 12:7) In physical death Our soul is separated from the body. Both our soul and body go into the grave. Both our soul and body cease to exist.
8) In death our soul ceases to exist.
9) (Romans 6:23) If we die with our sins We will have a second chance in purgatory. We will be eternally separated from God (spiritual death). We will cease to exist.
10) If we are separated from God, we are lost.
11) (Revelation 21:8) The second death Is when we die physically. Will never happen. Is Hell which is the lake of fire and brimstone.
12) If we do not go to Heaven we will go to Hell.